Den. unicum ( x ), NF626
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Item #: NF626
Reg. Price:
Our Price: $25.00 $22.50
Plant Size (R)

Description & Details

This miniature species derives its name from the Latin adjective meaning single or unique. Endemic to Northern Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, its flowering season is late Winter into early Spring. Its purplish-brown upright canes stand up to 11.5 cm tall, with each inflorescence creating up to four fragrant 3-4 cm orange flowers and producing several spikes on each cane. After a dry rest, due to its deciduous nature, the leaves will fall off in the winter, followed by a profusion of brilliant orange flowers. Highly Recommended !

Video of Plant:

Since this is a Seedling Population (not a Mericlone which produces exact duplicates), the picture is for illustration purposes only. No two plants will be the same from this cross, and they will flower in a range of possibilities coming from the two parents.
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