Phal. tetraspis '" Jiaho Blue C1 '' . MC2739
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Item #: MC2739
Reg. Price:
Our Price: $50.00 $45.00
Plant Size (R)

Description & Details

We are thrilled to introduce this exclusive new blue-colored strain of Phal. tetraspis from Mr. Jiaho Huang, who started the trend in Asia. This new strain has the “jumping color’ gene from Phal. tetraspis ‘C-1’ where the color of the petals can appear randomly on the flower. The temperature can influence the color of the flowers. Cooler day-time and night-time temperature (particularly in the winter months) will produce flowers with more white color. Warmer day-time and night-time temperature (particularly during late spring through summer) will produce flowers with a solid blue/gray color.


Phal. tetraspis is native to the Andaman Islands, the Nicobar Islands, and northwestern Sumatra. Its natural habitat is the hot and wet jungles at elevations near sea level. Phal. tetraspis is a free bloomer, producing good size, long-lasting, fragrant flowers, up to 4 flowers on each tall, branching, upright inflorescence held well above the foliage. It is a compact plant and vigorous grower and can begin blooming on young small plants. It has a multiple spike habit—flowers will bloom from old spikes for several years while new spikes are forming, so it will flower for a very long period. Do not cut the spike unless it is dry and yellow.


It can be grown either mounted or in a pot. Tall spikes may need to be staked if potted. Water and fertilize regularly. During the hot summer months mounted plants may need daily watering. Do not let it get too dry. Phal. tetraspis thrives in high humidity, warm temperatures, and good air circulation. Can be grown on a bright windowsill or underlights or in an orchid cabinet. Highly recommended for Phal species collectors and lovers of fragrant orchids.


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